SUNY Orange will present holiday concerts
MIDDLETOWN Four of SUNY Orange’s performance ensembles will offer holiday concerts during the weekend of Dec. 11 and 12, with the Symphonic Band taking the stage at Middletown’s Paramount Theatre on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. and the Madrigal Singers, Choir and Chamber Ensemble showcasing their talents on the college’s Middletown campus throughout the weekend. The band, under the direction of Kevin Scott, will feature a musical rendition of Clement Clark Moore’s “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” with SUNY Orange theatre professor Max Schaefer serving as narrator for the performance. Admission is $5 with current SUNY Orange students and active duty military personnel admitted for free. The college’s Madrigal Singers, directed by Christa Damaris, will open the weekend with a 3 p.m. performance Saturday in the Morrison Hall Music Room. This free concert will be held in conjunction with SUNY Orange’s annual holiday open house. The Chamber Ensemble, led by Hilarie Clark Moore, will fill Morrison Hall with traditional holiday music at 1 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 12. The SUNY Orange Choir and Madrigal Singers will cap the weekend’s musical schedule in Orange Hall Theatre at 3 p.m. Sunday. Admission to both Sunday performances is free as well. For more information call 341-4787.