Lecture on cosmetic surgery at college set for March 8

Middletown Victoria Pitts-Taylor, PhD, of Highland Mills, will speak about cosmetic surgery on Tuesday, March 8, at 7 p.m., in the Morrison Hall Mansion at SUNY Orange County Community College. Cultural Affairs at the college is partnering again with the Orange County Citizens Foundation in celebrating International Women’s Day by presenting an important lecture on an issue which affects a growing number of women of every race and ethnicity. The speaker is an authority on this sociological phenomenon, is quoted often just recently in the New York Times and has written numerous articles and two books: “In the Flesh” and “Surgery Junkies.” Pitts-Taylor will deliver a lecture with PowerPoint entitled “The Changing Body: Critical Thinking on Beauty, Culture, and Diversity.” The lecture presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session and then, light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public and no registration is required. For more information, call 341-4891 or email cultural@sunyorange.edu.