Ken Lipston's photography depicts local history

Photographer will be guest speaker at Woodbury Historical Society winter social on Feb. 5 Highland Mills - Photographer Ken Lipston of Highland Mills will be the guest speaker at the Woodbury Historical Society’s annual Winter Social on Feb. 5 at the Senior Center/Library in Highland Mills. Lipston’s goal is to encourage the public to learn more about our common local history, including how some occupations are still practiced today. Central to his program is an exhibition of photographs that depict the people, trades and crafts that have existed in Orange County over the last century and still exist today. In the photos are preserved the culture, work ethic and the people who still labor in much the same way as they have for generations - even as so many farms turn into housing developments and malls, and small shops are pushed out by megastores. What makes much of “Orange County Roots” unique is its focus on the people themselves rather than similar endeavors depicting only buildings and landscapes of old Orange County. Among the varied visuals highlighted from around the area will be Ace Farm and Monroe Shoe Store in Monroe, the Bellvale and Scheuermann farms in Warwick, Brotherhood Winery in Washingtonville, Quaker Creek Store in Goshen and Roe’s Orchard in Chester. More about the photographer Additional information about photographer Ken Lipston and his work can be found at: