Historical society to host house tour

Newburgh The Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands will hold its annual Candlelight Tour of Homes on Sunday, Dec. 12, from noon to 5 p.m. The tour begins at the Captain David Crawford House (189 Montogmery St., Newburgh). This opulent home will be decorated inside and out as it would have been in 1840, using fresh greens, flowers and fruit. Tour participants will receive an illustrated booklet that includes a map of all the sites on the tour. These include 11 private homes and public spaces which exemplify Newburgh’s architectural heritage. Participants tour the properties at their own pace. Tickets are available for a $25 donation if purchased in advance and $30 if purchased at the Crawford House on the day of the event. For information or to order tickets, call 561-2585 or e-mail historicalsocietynb@yahoo.com. For more information visit www.newburghhistoricalsociety.com.