Goshen's Junior Olympiad team places first in state

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:48

    GOSHEN-The Goshen Junior Division Science Olympiad Team placed first in the state during the Science Olympiad Junior State Competition and will compete in the National Competition on May 18 at the University of Illinois. The team, under the direction of coaches Patty Sherman and Jim Boyd, won 14 medals at the state competition. They results are: • Anatomy, tenth place: Joe Altura, grade 8; Evan Hammond, grade 8. • Awesome Aquifers, 21st place: Joe Altura, grade 8; Alyssa Navilio, grade 7. • Bottle Rockets, tenth place: Jared Lisack, grade 6; Matt DellaVecchio, grade 7. • Bridge Building, ninth place: Melissa Wiegand, grade 9; Alyssa Navilio, grade 7. • Can't Judge a Powder, 15th place: Adam Boese, grade 8; Andrew Arne, grade 8. • Compute This, tenth place: Melissa Wiegand, grade 9; Nicole Skiba, grade 8. • Dynamic Planet, fourth place: Matt DellaVecchio, grade 7; Joe Altura, grade 8. • Experimental Design, fifth place: Matt DellaVecchio grade 7; Lauren Mance, grade 9; Evan Hammond, grade 8. • Forestry, first place: Melissa Wiegand, grade 9; Kyler Sherry, grade 8. • Fossils, seventh place: Jared Lisack, grade 6; Jason Klusky, grade 8. • Keep the Heat, 16th place: Kevin Alders, grade 6; Parth Baxi, grade 7. • Meteorology, sixth place: Nicole Skiba, grade 8; Melissa Wiegand, grade 9. • Mission Possible, fifth place: Melissa Wiegand, grade 9; Joe Altura, grade 8; Matt DellaVecchio, grade 7. • Naked Egg Drop, fifth place: Rex Donnelly, grade 9; Kevin Alders, grade 6. • Phys.Sci./Sound of Music, second place: Kyler Sherry, grade 8; Evan Hammond, grade 8. • Reach for the Stars, seventh place: Kyler Sherry, grade 8; Andrew Arne, grade 8. • Road Scholar, third place: Jason Klusky, grade 8; Lauren Mance, grade 9. • Science Crime Busters, fourth place: Andrew Arne, grade 8; Lauren Mance, grade 9. • Science of Fitness, fourth place: Joe Altura, grade 8; Jason Klusky, grade 8. • Storm the Castle, fourth place: Adam Boese, grade 8; Rex Donnelly, grade 9. • Water Quality, fourth place: Joe Altura, grade 8; Nicole Skiba, grade 8. • Wright Stuff, second place: Melissa Wiegand; grade 9; Kevin Alders, grade 6. • Write It/ Do It, first place: Adam Boese, grade 8; Kyler Sherry, grade 8. • Alternate members of the team: Jordan McWatt, grade 6; and Ali Milak, grade 6.