Casino night will benefit Brian Ahearn Children's Fund
Chester The Brian Ahearn Children’s Fund Casino Night on Saturday, Nov. 20 will features a band and dancing at the Castle Fun Center in Chester. The event, which runs 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. will feature Las Vegas style gaming tables and professional dealers, roulette, craps, “Texas hold’em,” and Black Jack. The goal of The Brian Ahearn Children’s Fund is to provide financial assistance to local families with children who are fighting illness, handicaps and other hardships. The $75 entrance fee includes beer and wine, hors d’oeuvres, band and dancing, and $200 play money for the casino. There is an additional $25 “Texas hold’em” tournament fee. Seats are limited. The three top chip winners automatically win prizes. To register, visit Call 914-443-3827 or 914-805-9435 for more information.