'Where will our community be without a district?'
To all Tuxedo residents,
Unfortunately, our school district is at the forefront of controversy once again.
We are being pressured into closure when this district has a lot to offer.
The academic support, programs, sports and familial unit has remained, despite it being a small district.
Why close a school, when in fact we will need one, once the new residential development is completed?
Why put our children through more trauma by sending them to Suffern when they have already endured enough pain from losing our Greenwood Lake family?
Have the children’s needs been considered?
Choosing to build will only benefit our community. We will still need a school district regardless.
The choice should be dependent upon everyone, and not a select few, to determine the fate of our community. I am outraged by the potential closure.
Where will our community be without a district? The children have thrived here thus far. Please, let us all stand together and do whatever it takes to keep both our elementary and high school open. Too many tears were shed once we lost our Greenwood Lake family. Our world has enough issues impacting our children. They do not need any more problems to only increase their distress.
Please submit only positive input to support our district at BOE@tuxedoufsd.org if unable to attend the Board Meetings like myself, due to other obligations. Your voice can still be heard. My lack of attendance does not mean I do not care because I care a great deal about the welfare of our community.
Thanks for your support,
Bonnie LaBar
Tuxedo resident