College Admissions Expert Elizabeth Levine: Make sure you compare each school's net cost to you BEFORE you make your final decision

| 20 Mar 2019 | 02:47

    You've gotten many acceptances and are thrilled, and you should be. But now comes the time to get real and compare each schools net cost to you. Watch this weeks Tuesday Talks With Liz to understand and heed this advice when making your final choice. It could be devastating down the road if you don't do so.

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    If you have any questions about the college admissions process or the above information please do not hesitate to contact me at or by phone, 845.551.6946.

    Elizabeth Levine
    Signature College Counseling is an Orange County, Hudson Valley based company
    that works one on one with students and their families in navigating the admissions process so you attend the college that is right for you.
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