Monroe’s future

Monroe /
| 27 Nov 2023 | 11:01

    We need to begin by congratulating Maureen Richardson on her landslide win for town councilwoman in the 2023 election.

    Understand that there is still time for us to take back our community to save Monroe.

    The current board knowingly without the community’s knowledge borrowed $19 million. Just before the election to purchase Rye Hill to only disclosing it the day after the election at the board meeting!

    Facing a federal discrimination lawsuit, the town of Monroe consented to an injunction of the lawsuit. Now there is a public hearing on December 4 to change the law because this board knows that it’s illegal on four different counts, including you can no longer have more than two cars in your driveway, no matter what.

    This goes to prove, even this board realizes they have a losing battle in the federal lawsuit relating to Local Law 3 of 2023.

    The town admitted that it was okay to restrict self-employed people from living in our community, refusing housing to families that can’t afford to live by these rules and the restriction of your investment into real estate, especially if you believe in your community. Isn’t reinvesting in your community what it all’s about to grow it?

    This is an admission that they know they are wrong to try and end a long-standing battle of discrimination against the voters of this great community. Monroe, New York.

    It is indicative just by looking at the results of this recent race. Even the incumbent wasn’t able to match the abilities to challenge Richardson.

    It is clear that there’s a mandate by the voters to change. This is a wake-up call that if an incumbent cannot win by more than 100 votes, assuming he even wins (unofficial results). If an incumbent loses in a landslide by roughly 300 votes. We must all look at this to figure out what is wrong.

    It is on all of us to continue to challenge our politicians. It is incumbent on us as voters and residents of Monroe to be the ones to direct our politicians because they cannot correct their own errors.

    When a government agency like the planning board for the town of Monroe chooses that they don’t like what the building department says you can use your property legally for. To only turn around and appeal their own building department inspector’s decision to the ZBA. One must start thinking that we are in a world of Marxism.

    Reality is, they don’t want you to know their errors because it costing you now $10,000 of thousands of dollars more in real estate taxes a year. It is costing tenants hundreds of dollars more a month to live in this great community.

    Ask yourself, do you want to live to live or do you want to live to have to pay the errors of being incumbents that cannot even win election freely in this great community?

    Tim Mitts
