Mental health in a changing world

| 14 May 2024 | 10:43

    Since We the People Warwick’s Mental Health Resilience Action Team began focusing on mental health in May of 2022, we’ve learned so much, especially about the power of talking openly to break down common misperceptions and stigmas associated with mental health conditions. We’ve also been learning the many ways that human connection is being lost in our fast-paced world and may be leading to increasing numbers of individuals experiencing loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The statistics about young people are particularly alarming. According to current research, nothing short of a collective community response will help slow down this trend and that is why on Saturday, May 18 (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) at the Buckbee Center, We the People Warwick is hosting You Are Not Alone Part 3: Mental Health in a Changing World: Where Do We Start in Our Community?

    Join us to share your voice and commit to an action on a topic of greatest concern to you. If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, neighbor, or friend concerned about the toxic hold technology has on youth and want to work with others to safeguard youth’s future, this is a good time to come together. Maybe you want to join others to reduce factors that increase risk of suicide and increase factors that promote resilience. Perhaps mental health education, mental health well-being or the intersection of mental health and substance use is where you want to focus your efforts. These and other topics that you put forth will be discussed so that meaningful action steps can be identified and committed to on May 18.

    This mental health action forum, this coming Saturday, May 18, is an opportune time for members of our community to rally behind generating awareness about some of the factors that contribute to mental health conditions and begin doing something about it. Please join us for this important discussion and the formation of action teams to take next steps. We the People Warwick believes strongly that the answers to the complex mental health problems we face can and must be solved by members of our own community. Join us and let’s get to work. Together, we can make a difference.

    More information and registration (recommended, but not required):

    Beverly Braxton
