In Woodbury, ‘let’s build on experience. Vote row A’

| 10 Oct 2021 | 03:41

    The Woodbury Town council oversees our Parks and Recreation, Libraries, Police, Buildings and Grounds and Courts. Woodbury can boast an A-plus in each of these areas.

    I urge voters to pay attention to the record of our current town council members and not be distracted by those who want to create election controversy.

    The past four years are a proud testament to the accomplishments of people who devoted their time and effort, demonstrating that town government can be effective when there is a willingness to collaborate, an openness to change and creative ideas.

    Their actions saved taxpayers thousands of dollars by relocating Town Hall; made our Court House ADA compliant; created a user friendly website to access town resources; modernized Park and Recreation registration; upgraded our Dog Park; Initiated Community Arts Council and Woodbury Climate Smart Task Force; built our Community Recreation Center; filled police vacancies; added two police dogs to our K9 unit; provided public referendum on the Town Pool; and created Woodbury’s Pandemic response.

    The Woodbury Democratic committee supports candidates on row A who demonstrated that public service isn’t about power, partisanship or turf lines. It’s about working in harmony with all parts of the community. Let’s build on experience. Vote row “A.”

    Willa Freiband
