Comments from the web
The story in The Photo News about the swearing in ceremony for Monroe Town Supervisor Anthony P. Cardone III, Town Board members Mary Bingham and Town Justice Audra Schwartz prompted this online comment:
From CCArchitect:
A great turn around. A chance for a new beginning. As Mr. Cardone said we all need to contribute to helping the town turnaround. Volunteer somewhere no matter the size of the volunteer. Even taking coats at a meeting shows you care.
One area that needs the ongoing support and attention is voter apathy. Why can't Monroe have a voter percentage rate of 90 percent on every election? It is our duty, there are no excuses. None.
Work? Polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 9 a.m.
Going to be out of town? Vote absentee.
If you don't vote than you have no right to complain.
If is the School Board election, general election, local election, or special election vote.
Voting tells the people running you believe their work can help or their work can hurt our area.
It was apathy that allowed eight years plus and many, many before to create the hell, mistrust, illegal activity, voter blocking, bad purchases without voter input.
Volunteer some where I dare you.
Wait to you see how you feel inside after you do help others.
Go to the schools your kids or grand kids or someone else's grand kids go to read to a class.
Stop and help at an event for a cause.
I myself build and maintain gardens at elementary schools. See those faces light up.
Help a neighbor you don't know at all. There are people that snowthrow others sidewalks just because.
Volunteer to make safe calls with the police department. These check on the elderly in weather like today.
Visit a special education class in a elementary school and tell your story. Just 30 minutes and the kids love learning about you.
We can all contribute as Mr. Cardone said. We have taken back Monroe. Now let us make it a better place for all.
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