‘A vote for Judge Paul Trachte is a vote for healthier, safer and more loving communities in Orange County’

| 14 Oct 2020 | 01:43

    I am writing to ask your readers to support Judge Paul Trachte for Orange County Court Judge in this election.

    With so much energy being put into the Presidential Election, it is important for voters to know about Judge Trachte, whose election to County Court will have outsized impacts on the lives of residents of Chester and Orange County.

    Judge Trachte has been a City of Newburgh Court Justice since 2015, and prior to that enjoyed a 26-year long career as a renowned criminal defense attorney. He has represented thousands of people in Orange County Court and tried over fifty criminal court cases, as many cases as any other criminal defense lawyer in Orange County.

    Judge Trachte is a progressive justice who, during his time as City of Newburgh justice, has created what is referred to as “problem-solving courts,” institutions that give non-violent defendants the opportunity to be diverted from incarceration and direct them to resources they desperately need.

    Judge Trachte has created the Wellness and Recovery Court. He truly cares about the defendants that come before him to make sure that they receive the proper care they need in order to become productive members of society.

    These defendants become active participants in their own rehabilitation and meet with specialists in health care, housing and other resources, per the mandates of the Wellness and Recovery Court. Defendants return to society healthier and better. In turn, this makes our communities safer.

    A vote for Judge Paul Trachte is a vote for healthier, safer and more loving communities in Orange County.

    Judge Paul Trachte has the right experience to be our Orange County Court Judge. It is high time that we voted to uplift experience over media spin.

    Vote Paul Trachte for County Court Judge!

    Susan Bahren
