Frank Eppinger states his case for Village of Monroe Trustee post
My name is Frank Eppinger, Taxpayers Party, candidate for one-year term Village of Monroe Trustee, asking for your support to continue representing taxpayers first. I am currently a village trustee appointed in April 2010 for one-year with primary responsibility as liaison to DPW. Accomplishments: Negotiating team member that successfully negotiated DPW contract, no raises first year. Mayor, Trustees and Village staff working closely together, acted on refinancing Police Station and Water Filtration Plant bonds, projected savings approximately $167,000 over 10 years. Selected Marshall and Sterling as village insurance company, total savings for 2010 and 2011 $38,122. Biography: Senior Citizen, born and raised in N.Y.C., graduated NYCCC with ADAS in Mechanical Technology Married with two children and two grandchildren Retired from Information Services, Orange County as Principal Systems Analyst Member First Presbyterian Church and volunteer in their Food Pantry Assistant Scout Master Boy Scout Troop 66 Goshen Former Volunteer Fireman Mombasha, Monroe Fire Dept, held elected positions of Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary Plans Continue putting taxpayers first and watching that their tax dollars are spent productivity Challenge employees to lower costs and increase efficiency Continue to work closely with Mayor, Trustees and Village staff striving for the betterment of Village of Monroe Vote for Frank Eppinger, Taxpayers Party for Village of Monroe Trustee. Frank Eppinger Monroe