And a child shall lead them'
I wandered into a local deli just before Christmas. Hanging on the wall along a row of tables, I spotted a most interesting letter. It began: “I stole some menthol gum from your store and I am very very very x 100 sorry.” It went on to explain that the writer was in Kindergarten at the time and didn’t know what they were doing. Now, in the third grade, the child does know what they’re doing. Enclosed with the letter was a one dollar bill to cover the cost of the gum. The child also mentioned how much Jay’s Deli is liked and wrote: “Jay’s Rocks.” At first glance, one might be amazed that someone so young would have the character to admit a wrong and the willingness to make amends. On second thought, it may not be surprising to find honesty and integrity in a child that is often absent in adults these days. It may be that we are born with innocence and virtue and that as we grow up, these qualities can suffer loss. Just a thought. At any rate, I would like to thank this young person for reminding me of the true meaning of this season. It is not so much about singing songs, exchanging gifts or watching brightly blinking colored lights as it is about following, as best as we can, the teachings of the prophet whose birth we celebrate this time of year. He came to teach us about kindness and consideration for each other. May we hold on to these principles throughout the year. Douglas Taylor Highland Mills