Woodbury news digest
Highland Mills - The following information comes from the March edition of the Woodbury Bulletin Board that’s published electronically by Woodbury Town Councilman James Skoufis: Local government Village elections are Tuesday, March 15. Polls are open from noon to 9 p.m. on the top floor of the Highland Mills Fire House. Mayor Michael Queenan and Trustees Tim Egan and Tom Flood are unopposed for re-election. There also are three ballot propositions: (1) Change village elections from March to June. (2) Change the term length of village mayor from two to four years. (3) Change the term length of village trustee from two to four years. The term changes will take affect beginning with the 2012 village elections - those up this year will have the same two-year terms. Save the date: The Town of Woodbury has again sponsored Spring Cleaning Day, set for Saturday, May 7, at 10 a.m., at Smith Clove Elementary School. The Village Board will hold a public hearing Tuesday, March 22, at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall on its proposed comprehensive plan; copies of the proposed plan are available online at villageofwoodbury.com/board#documents, in Town Hall and in both library branches. “This is one of the most important governing documents in Woodbury,” Skoufis wrote in the newsletter. “It establishes a long-range vision for development, growth and conservation.” The Parks Department has opened up summer employment; new and returning candidates are encouraged to apply. Forms can be found online at woodburyparkandrec.com/employment or requested by calling 928-9588 x6. Camp Rez forms are also now available. A one-week session is available from June 27-July 1 and three-week sessions available from July 4-22 and July 25-Aug 12. Applications can be found online at woodburyparkandrec.com/camprez or requested by calling 928-9588 ext. 6. The Town Board recently passed a resolution opposing the O&R proposed rate increase proposal. Woodbury Calendar Sunday, March 13: Daylight savings. Turn your clocks an hour ahead. Sunday, March 20: Spring has finally sprung! Friday-Sunday, March 25-27: The Monroe-Woodbury High School Drama Club presents the musical “Hairspray.” Shows are at 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 1 p.m. on Sunday. Advance tickets, containing seat numbers, are being sold at the high school from 6 to 8 p.m. on March, 15, 17 and 24; and from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30p.m. March 23. Councilman Skoufis can be reached via e-mail at james.skoufis@gmail.com.