Tales from the Monroe Village Police blotter
Teenager charged three times in less than two weeks Monroe - A 19-year-old woman was arrested three times between Sept. 28 and Oct. 10 on charges ranging from grand larceny and identity theft for ringing up more than $2,000 on someone else’s ATM card to burglarizing a home in Monroe. Det. James Frankild outlined the case this way: On Sept. 27, Monroe Police received a complaint from a resident that she had numerous unauthorized charges on her debit card. The investigation revealed that the debit card was used more than 50 times at different businesses in and around the Monroe area. Within a day, police identified the suspect as a 19-year-old Monroe female acquaintance of the victim who Frankild said stole the debit card, used it over the course of roughly two weeks and then returned the card to the victim without the victim’s knowledge. Frankild said about $2,200 was spent at pizza places, movie theaters, clothing stores, a piercing, gas stations and cigarettes. “Nothing substantial,” the detective said, “just items a teen thinks are important.” The young woman was charged her with numerous counts of grand larceny, possession of stolen property, forgery, identity theft and criminal impersonation. She was sent to Orange County Jail on bail pending Grand Jury action but was bailed out several days later. Police did not release her name because, at this point, she was had been granted youthful offender status. Frankild said the young woman was arrested again on Oct. 7 after Monroe Police were contacted by ShopRite loss prevention officers who found her shoplifting alcohol from their store. She was charged with petit larceny. Three days later, on Sunday, Oct. 10, the 19-year-old was once again in the custody of Monroe Village Police. Frankild said Rozsika Roman, 19, from Monroe, and a 15-year-old female, also from Monroe, burglarized a house in the village. The detective said they were arrested at the 15-year-old’s home shortly after the crime was reported. They did not steal anything. Nonetheless, Roman was charged with second-degree burglary and sent to Orange County Jail on $10,000 cash bail. The 15-year-old was released to her mother, pending Orange County Family Court action. Frankild said he could release Roman’s name because she is no longer eligible for youthful offender status. Ex-boyfriend charged in robbery, burglary and assault Monroe -Just before 4 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 25, Monroe Police received a 911 call from a woman who said that she was just assaulted and robbed in her home. At the scene, the 22-year-old woman told officers that when she arrived home after being out on a date, her ex-boyfriend was waiting in the driveway. She told police he forced her into her home where he began to yell at her and then pushed her down a staircase. Before fleeing, she said, he took her cell phone. Later that day, Milber Ortiz, 21, of Monroe was arrested and charged with burglary, robbery and assault. He was sent to Orange County Jail. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was also contacted and put an immigration hold on Ortiz so that the agency can determine his status in the country.