Town of Monroe to host Active Shooter Training at Monroe Theater
MONROE — The Town of Monroe, in conjunction with the Monroe Police Department, will be conducting active shooter training on Monday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Monroe Theater, located at 34 Millpond Parkway in Monroe.
The Monroe Police Department has several officers who are trained instructors in active shooter response and offer this training free of charge.
All Monroe police officers have received specialized training by the New York State Department of Homeland Security.
Neighboring police agencies, including Village of Harriman, Town of Woodbury, State Police, as well as Monroe Volunteer Ambulance have been invited to participate in this training.
In addition, several students from Monroe-Woodbury High School will be participating in order to simulate as realistic of an active shooter scenario(s) as possible.
“This training is critical given the many unfortunate events that continue to occur nationwide,” Town Supervisor Tony Cardone said in the press release detailing the training. “The safety and security of our residents, employees and those that patronize the businesses of The Town of Monroe continues to be our top priority. This training will address multiple scenarios associated with an Active Shooter situation and will provide invaluable knowledge to Town of Monroe employees on proper protocol should a situation arise.”
For additional information, contact the supervisor at 845-783-1900 ext. 105.