Chabad of Orange County hold Solidarity Rally for Israel

Monroe. The gathering took place at the organization’s new center in Monroe.

Monroe /
| 25 Oct 2023 | 10:01

Close to 200 politicians and activists from across Orange County gathered at Chabad of Orange County’s new center in Monroe earlier this month for a Solidarity Rally with Israel.

Upon entering, attendees lit candles in the shape of 900 to represent those who had died as a result of the conflict.

Community leaders Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston led prayers and offered words of encouragement, as well as a call to action to help Israel.

“There have not been this many roundups and murders of Jews since the Holocaust,” said Rabbi Pesach. “It doesn’t matter where you stand politically or even religiously, we are one family and we cannot remain silent as our brothers and sisters are suffering.”

Burston added, “We cannot remain silent – we need to get together to show our support and to protest and pray. The Jewish response to terror is eradicating darkness with light, eliminating hate by adding love.”

The event included psalms for the wounded, prayers for the hostages’ safe return, memorial prayers for the victims and prayers for safety of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and the collective safety of Israel. Many Israeli-born community members were in attendance. Former IDF soldier Yael Block of Monroe recited the prayer for the Israel Defense Forces and Michael Cohn of Warwick led the psalms for the wounded and Chabad Gabai Ira Kanis of Monroe led the mourner’s prayer.

Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus expressed his support to bring back Orange County citizens who need to return home. A representative from State Sen. James Skoufis shared messages of comfort and support. Steve Reich read a message from Monroe Mayor Neil Dwyer. Community member and activist Jack Berkowitz of Warwick offered strategies of lobbying government officials for support of Israel and contributing financially.

Chabad Teen (CTeen) leaders took a stand on the stage as CTeen’s Lola Sale of Harriman addressed the crowd.

“On behalf of the Jewish teen community, it is important that we show that we stand with Israel,” Sale said. “As young people, we need to be actively educated on the violent acts going on in Israel. It is our responsibility to show that what is going on in Israel is completely unacceptable and we will not watch in silence. This is not just a tragedy in the Jewish community but is a global heartbreak and humanitarian crisis.”

The Monroe Police Department, NYS Troopers and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office also attended.

For more information about Chabad’s resources to support Israel, email, call 845-782-2770, or visit