Annual Daisy-Brownie Revue supports local food pantry and local Girl Scout scholarship fund
MONROE - Thirty Daisy and Brownie Girl Scout troops representing 300 girls participated in the Monroe Girl Scout community’s recent Daisy-Brownie Revue at the Monroe-Woodbury Middle School. This year’s theme was “Monroe Girl Scouts on Broadway” and featured two shows where troops performed choreographed routines to different Broadway show tunes. Performances included “Put on a Happy Face” from “Bye Bye Birdie,” “Dancing Queen” from “Mama Mia” and 'Greased Lightin’” from “Grease.” The annual community revue began in 1988, evolving from a time when Brownies originally held an annual doll festival. Organizers felt a doll festival was not an overly interesting event, and the concept was modified to creating simple song and dance skits tied to a musical theme. When Daisy Girl Scouts were introduced for kindergarten and first-grade girls, Daisy scouts were incorporated into the Brownie Revue. This year’s revue was coordinated by Carey Alley, leader of Troop 533, with stage hand assistance provided by that troop and Troop 202. As part of the scouts’ mission of giving back to the community, a food drive was held with hundreds of pounds of food collected for the local food pantry. Additionally, a flower sale, run by Troop 283, benefited the Nora Fields Memorial Girl Scout Scholarship Fund for Senior Girl Scouts.