Arts and leisure digest
Hill-Hold hosts wreath-making workshop on Saturday, Dec. 4 GOSHEN Learn how to make your own holiday wreath at a workshop on Saturday, Dec. 4, from 10 a.m. to noon, with the Friends of Hill-Hold and Brick House at Orange County Park’s Thomas Bull Memorial Park. Instructors will provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on how to create a holiday wreath from various fresh greens. Tips for holiday home decorating will also be shared. The cost is $30 per person and includes supplies and refreshments. Participants are requested to bring their own clippers to cut the greenery. The program will be held in the boathouse and is provided by Orange County’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation. Reservations are required to ensure adequate space and supplies for all participants. Register by Dec. 1 by contacting Susan A. Tucker at 615-3833 or by e-mail at For more information about Hill-Hold, visit West Point Band will host annual holiday concert on Dec. 5 West Point The West Point Band will present its annual Hudson Valley Holiday concert on Sunday, Dec. 5, at 3 p.m. at the Eisenhower Hall Theatre. Special guest will be the New York Philharmonic Principal Brass Quintet and guest narrator and cantor Kenny Ellis. Ellis tours extensively in the U.S. and abroad not only as a musician, but also as a synagogue official singing liturgical music and leading the congregation in prayer. His holiday music can be heard nation-wide on major radio stations, recently he was featured on CNN podcasts as well as On-air with Ryan Seacrest. Master Sgt. MaryKay Messenger, Staff Sgt. Alexis Cole will join him in singing. Free tickets are available at the West Point Visitors Center, WHUD Radio, Eisenhower Hall Box Office, National Purple Heart Hall of Honor (New Windsor), Hotel Thayer, FMWR Ticket Office at West Point and the Egner Hall Band Building 685. For tickets by mail, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope with the number requested (limit is eight) postmarked by Nov. 29 to: West Point Band, Attention: Hudson Valley Holiday, 685 Hardee Place, West Point, NY. 10996. Christmas cantata at Chester Presbyterian Church set for Dec. 11 Chester The Chester Presbyterian Church will host a Christmas cantata on Saturday, Dec. 11 at 5 p.m. The cantata will be performed by a joint choir comprised of singers from Presbyterian churches of Middletown, Denton, Chester and others. The singers will include children and be backed up by guitarists, a pianist, drummer and several other musicians. The cantata features some well-known and some less traditional pieces. It will last a little less than an hour, and be followed by a time for refreshments and fellowship. Admission to the cantata will be free, but the church will accept a free will offering to benefit its food pantry. All are welcome to join in for this time of celebration, worship and fellowship. The church is located at 96 Main St. in Chester. For more information, call 469-4877.